
 Hello Church,

This is a time of significant anxiety for many in Utah. Our governor has asked groups over 100 to refrain from gathering for the next couple of weeks. There are three messages God is putting on my heart to share with you at this time:

1: Do not be afraid: In the midst of challenging times, the main message God has for us is do not be afraid. The Bible tells us to flea anxiety and fear on what seems to be every page. God is on the throne. He is strong and mighty. We trust in him.

2: Sunday gathering: Most of the valley's churches are following the directive from our governor and refraining from gathering over the next two Sundays. Because we are well under the 100 person limit he had set, my initial intent was to gather together for worship. However, as I spoke with the hospital, it was clear that they were not allowing visitors into the hospital who were not related to a patient. In light of this, we will not gather this Sunday for worship. I will continue to monitor the situation and stay in touch with the hospital and keep you informed of the future gatherings. I intend to post a live stream saying morning prayer this Sunday at 10 a.m. for anyone who wants to join with me. I will send an email this evening with links to that stream.

3: Be Gospel People: In the midst of the fear, we have good news to share. As it feels like the rest of the world is struggling with our vulnerability as if it is something new, we are armed with the message of Ash Wednesday. We are mortal. We are weak. All of us are dependent on God for every breath that we take. If the situation continues, I will email out some cards with links to a live stream for us to hand out to our neighbors. Many of our LDS neighbors have cancelled church. Perhaps this is an opportunity for us to reach out to them in fresh and creative ways. At any rate, we can be the weirdos who refuse to be afraid and continue to preach good news to others.

I will be reaching out to you guys over text/email/phone over the coming days. If any of you has any questions or concerns, please email me or call me. I want you to know that I love being your priest and serving the Lord alongside you.

Blessings in Christ,

Father James