Michelle Scott
How long have you been a member of Saint John's and why did you make it your church home?
St. John's has been our church home since we moved here from Virginia in 2015. We were sure God led us to worship and grow in the Anglican tradition, so we sought it out when we began our life here in Utah.
How have you grown as a disciple of Christ over the past year?
I have grown by deciding last year to get into Anglican rule of life, joining daily prayer using our virtual Morning and Evening Prayer times. There have been more instances in the last year when I have made an effort to be the hands and feet of Christ in a spontaneous way, trusting in the Holy Spirit's guidance.
What is your hope for Saint John's?
That there would be more wandering into St. John's from different walks of life, hungry for God and curious about Him. Also, that we would find friends in the faith wishing to dive deeper and explore the liturgical life.