Holy Week 2024


Palm Sunday: Liturgy of Palms and Eucharist, 10 a.m. March 24

Enter into Holy Week as we process with Palms, embody the crowd’s acceptance and rejection of Jesus, and have our dramatic reading of the Passion Narrative from the Gospel according to Saint Mark

Maundy Thursday: foot washing and holy Eucharist, 6:30 p.m. at Saint JOhn’s

This is the night Jesus instituted the Lord’s Table and washed his disciples’ feet. The night ends with the stripping/cleansing of the altar, representing Jesus’ betrayal into the hands of sinners.

Parking will be enforced during the hours of this service. You are free to park in the Officer’s Club Parking Lot next door to the chapel.

good friday: march 29, 6:00 p.m. at salt lake anglican

We will remember the death of Jesus on the cross, pray a series of solemn prayers for our sins, and venerate the Holy Cross

easter vigil: Vigil, baptism, and eucharist, 6:30 p.m. at saint john’s

We will officially ring the bells and signify the end of Lent and the beginning of Eastertide after walking through the story of God’s redemption through Scripture. We will also celebrate 3 Baptisms and Holy Eucharist together.

easter morning eucharist service: 10 a.m. at saint john’s

We will celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus and the beginning of the fifty day Easter feast