One of the traditional disciplines for Lent is fasting. Click the image or this link to see our guidelines for fasting at Saint John’s.


Daily Office Challenge

We invite you to take part in the Daily Office Challenge. In the Daily Office challenge, we ask you to try out two things for the season of Lent:

  • Pray the Office: Add Morning Prayer and/or Evening Prayer to your regular practice. You can join Fr. Andrew Russell’s Daily Office Podcast if you would like. You can also have the readings and prayers in one place for you at Finally, you can always ask us for help navigating the prayer book.

  • One Conversation per week: Text, call, or grab coffee and talk about one thing that stood out from the readings while praying the office.

One rule, don’t catch up. No one is perfect. If you miss a day that you’ve committed to, simply pick up the next day. The Office benefits are found after years, not days. We don’t want you to quit because you’re trying to catch up.

Sacramental Confession

We are also available to hear sacramental confessions during this season. This is an opportunity to confess your sins and hear God’s absolution. Feel free to schedule a time for sacramental confessions.


Lent Begins with the Imposition of Ashes and Eucharist Service on Ash Wednesday. Ashes are a sign of repentance and a recognition of our mortality. Join us as we impose ashes and celebrate Holy Eucharist.